Delaware Art Museum -

Holiday House and Studio Tour December 12, 2009       

Rick Rothrock Studio, House, and Garden on Tour

Christi Award :  Outstanding Achievement as an Artist    2009
Christina Cultural Arts Center Awards Ceremony - Baby Grand Opera House, Wilmington, DE    Christi_Awards.html

Delaware By Hand - Masters Exhibit

Delaware Art Museum - Wilmington, DE USA

November 14, 2009 - January 17, 2010

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts -

30th Anniversary Gala and Auction  - Wilmington, DE         November 14, 2009

Marble Sculpture Symposium   August 2010
Carving Studio and Sculpture Center - West Rutland, Vermont USA
The Carving Studio, with funding through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts features on sight carving of monumental sculptures by selected sculptors Frank Anjo, Carlos Dorrien, 
Don Ramey, Rick Rothrock, and Nora Valdez     BOOK :

Carving Workshop - Monumental Concepts and Practical Techniques

Carving Studio and Sculpture Center  West Rutland,Vermont USA  

2011 Master Fellowship Award Winner
Delaware State Arts Council, Delaware USA


The Elements and the Artist as Forces of Nature - Sculptfest 2011
Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, West Rutland Vt          Curator - Rick Rothrock sculptfest_11.html
TRACE       Artist In Residence - 2012 
On display in the sculpture park at the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Vermont USATrace_Rick_Rothrock_Artist.html
MAP CSSC,+West+Rutland,+VT&cp=35&qe=NjM2IE1hcmJsZSBTdHJlZXQsIFdlc3QgUnV0bGFuZCwgVlQ&qesig=y-J-b_uq2q8JuP9Zo6MgNg&pkc=AFgZ2tl56mwaxEp5W0fk_UXNh2fj8vOA0GOYToZ07j3Kz7maggAOKLYuo42If7UH1Qf8jU2bPiz54QnxQThlWa4E7Hfxwf6PUQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1350&bih=708&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89e022e5f2ee9abd:0x7a352f4e36671463,636+Marble+St,+West+Rutland,+VT+05777&gl=us&ei=JzcnTq6lBcTAgQeZ5OFc&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA

Vermont Arts Council Sculpture Garden: 2013-2015  

This exhibit features work in marble and steel by sculptors Maeve Doolan, Carlos Dorrien,

Carol Driscoll, Iva Fabrikant, Jamie Hatch, Wendy Klemperer, Rick Rothrock, and Casey Wright.

SYNE REDUX    2014 
E.O. Bull Gallery, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, USASYNE_Redux.html

Vermont SolarFest 2014     Make Your own Sundial Workshop   

Instructor Rick Rothrock Tinmouth,VT

Workshop will present a basic history of sundials and reveal the workings behind them.

Carving Workshops - 2023    June 19-23    July 24-28                      
   Carving Stone- Tools and Techniques - Instructor Rick Rothrock
         Carving Studio and Sculpture Center - West Rutland, Vermont USAWorkshops_Rick_Rothrock_Artist.htmlWorkshops_Rick_Rothrock_Artist.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0
Dream Streets: Art in Wilmington 1970-1990
This landmark exhibition plots the development of artistic trends within the Wilmington community and their relation to national creative trends. 
CATALOG AVAILABLE : A comprehensive catalogue for the exhibition brings together key artists, historians, and writers—Joyce Brabner, Dr. James E. Newton, and Rick Rothrock, among others—to document Wilmington’s creative community during the 1970s and 1980s.
Siegel JCC ArtSpace      101Garden of Eden Rd, Wilmington, DE

WONDERING SPIRITS                   August 10 - September 10, 2016

Castleton Downtown Gallery, Rutland, VT    Rick Rothrock / Nora Valdez / Bart Shigeru Uchida

Workshop Review by Evan Benn- Miami Herald
SYNE LANGUAGE   Feb 22,2017 - April 30, 2017
Biggs Museum of American Art , Dover, Delaware   Opening Reception - Feb 24
Group show of the artists consortium SYNE                   

ROCK , PAPER, SCISSORS          Oct 4 - Nov 10, 2017

Rick Rothrock, Betsy Miraglia, Jeremy McGirl

The Art Trust, West Chester, PA

Rick Rothrock instructor : Tools and Techniques of Stone Carving
April 23-30,2017 Camp Ocean Pines, Cambria, California
ORIGINS ..... Rick Rothrock & Stan Smokler
Jan 8- April 21, 2019   Reception Jan 11 7-9pm, Artist Talk 7:30
Delaware Contemporary Art Museum, Wilmington, DE  USA
Farthest From The Ordinary      
The Delaware Contemporary, Wilmington ,DE       Sept 11 - Jan 8, 2020
Cape Spirit - proposal for the City of Lewes, Delaware   2021