Individual instruction will guide you in developing your concept, choosing a stone, techniques of carving using a wide variety of tools, and refining the finished form. Demonstrations will include the use of a broad range of tools including hand tools, pneumatic tools, core drilling, stone sawing, and electric tools both wet and dry. During the week we will discuss splitting the stone, shaping, abrasive machining, and textured and polished finishes to achieve your desired results. Class includes marble from the CSSC collection, or you can bring your own project. All levels of skill are encouraged.  Enrollment will be limited to six participants to allow for the specific needs of each participant.

Rick Rothrock Stone Carving Workshops 2024

All classes are held at the  
Carving Studio and Sculpture Center
Tel:  (802) 438-2097     email:
636 Marble Street, West Rutland, Vermont 05777 USA
Office hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.mailto:info@carvingstudio.org

Tools and stone are provided.  If you have your own tools please bring them.  Each day will begin at 9:00am and class will continue until  5:00pm.  We will break at 12:30 for lunch.  Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.

MAP  CSSC,+West+Rutland,+VT&cp=35&qe=NjM2IE1hcmJsZSBTdHJlZXQsIFdlc3QgUnV0bGFuZCwgVlQ&qesig=y-J-b_uq2q8JuP9Zo6MgNg&pkc=AFgZ2tl56mwaxEp5W0fk_UXNh2fj8vOA0GOYToZ07j3Kz7maggAOKLYuo42If7UH1Qf8jU2bPiz54QnxQThlWa4E7Hfxwf6PUQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1350&bih=708&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89e022e5f2ee9abd:0x7a352f4e36671463,636+Marble+St,+West+Rutland,+VT+05777&gl=us&ei=JzcnTq6lBcTAgQeZ5OFc&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA
Read a Review of this Workshop by student Evan Benn - Miami Herald

Rick was an instructor for the California Sculptors Symposium 2017  and this will be his 14th year presenting  stone sculpture workshops at the Carving Studio. Rick has been an artist-in-residence at the CSSC, a frequent participant in SculptFest, curator of SculptFest’11, and was one of the five featured artists in the Marble Sculpture Symposium 2010 at CSSC. Several of his large sculptures can be seen on the grounds of the CSSC.

1st session June 17 - 21 click here
   2nd session July 22 - 26 click here